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Data Reviewer - Brono at Malaria Consortium

Malaria ConsortiumBorno, Nigeria Data and Artificial Intelligence
Full Time
Malaria Consortium Nigeria is committed to tackling the large number of malaria cases and deaths in the country. Working in partnership with the Ministry of Health and other partners, we lead and support three major malaria control initiatives in the country: Support to the National Malaria Control Programme (SuNMaP); NetWorks and MAPS. Our areas of focus include: Technical support for malaria control Capacity building, harmonisation and training of health workers Heath systems strengthening Behaviour Change Communications and community outreach activities Operational research, policy and advocacy


  • It is important to demonstrate accountability in the management of all SPAQs used during the 2024 round of SMC implementation. Each blister of SPAQ provides the opportunity to prevent malaria and save the life of a child.
  • A good commodity management system should therefore minimise losses/wastages and ensure an uninterrupted availability of SPAQ to ensure a maximum number of children are reached to prevent them from coming down with malaria.
  • Also, commodities should not be filtered into the private sector to be sold. In the 2024 SMC campaign, management of SPAQ was done through the state supply chain system and handled by Government staff with support from a supply chain officer from Malaria Consortium.
  • There is a need to audit the commodity management to ascertain that the commodities were managed well.
  • The audit is also necessary to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the supply chain system for the purpose of providing feedback for subsequent interventions.
  • It is also the responsibility of the Malaria Consortium to demonstrate judicious use and accountability for the commodities.
  • These auditors are expected to provide objective and professional opinions on the level of accountability demonstrated in the management of SPAQ during the 2024 SMC intervention.

The objective of the assignment
Specific Objectives

  • Review and finalize Malaria Health Product Management Audit protocol and Tools
  • To determine the availability and use of relevant tools for proper tracking and control of the distribution at every point in the supply chain
  • To determine the accuracy of record keeping for key activities such as receiving, warehousing and distribution at each point in the supply chain.
  • Ascertain the quantities of individual malaria health products and other commodities that passed through every holding and transit point in the supply chain, including quantities ordered from the manufacturer, received at Nigeria port, delivered to State CMS and distributed to health facilities.
  • Determine from the service database, the quantities of SPAQ used for treatments, including main dosing, re-dosing, after-referral-dosing, wasted and damaged
  • Do physical count and document the quantities, conditions and expiry dates of commodities at each state central and LGA stores currently holding SPAQ.
  • From 3 - 5 above and annexe 1 (page 5), determine the loss and wastage rate for the product of interest
  • Assess the capacity of the health workers at the facility levels to manage malaria commodities
  • Assess the knowledge of health workers involved in the SMC campaign on pharmacovigilance
  • Assess the distribution strategy for the commodities to determine compliance with state malaria supply chain management strategy, national policies and procedures as well as best practices for the management of malaria commodities.
  • Do a rapid assessment of the stock (bad, good or expired)
  • Do an assessment of the storage conditions for SMC commodities at the state central medical stores and selected health facilities (capacity, environmental conditions, safety and security) and at holding or transient points
  • Do an assessment of the availability and compliance with the pharmacovigilance process for drug safety during SMC implementation.
  • Carry out a survey to private outlets across the states to identify the type and cost of antimalaria sold in the outlets (This will allow for the identification of diverted SPAQ)
  • Submit a report with appropriate recommendations on key findings.

Data collection method: The audit will entail the following

  • Document review at the state office of Malaria Consortium
  • Record review at State central medical stores, LGA and Zonal Stores where applicable
  • Record review at health facility level
  • Assessment of storage facilities at the different Holding/Transit stores and health facilities
  • Collection of SMC-related pharmacovigilance forms at the health facilities if available.
  • Key Informant interviews with relevant staff of Malaria Consortium and Government that have roles and participated in 2024 commodity management and service delivery
  • Sample size: This will be determined from the revised protocol.

Profile requirements of data reviewers/collectors
The ideal data reviewer/collector must have previous experience as a data collector in similar public health projects in the assigned states. In addition, s/he is required to have:

  • A minimum of bachelor’s /HND degree
  • Minimum of 2 years’ postgraduation experience.
  • Demonstrable ability to work in a resource-scarce environment.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to give attention to details.

Expected Output/deliverables for data reviewers:

  • Submitted data on surveyCTO from the survey sites capturing the following.
  • Availability and use of commodity logistic tools
  • Physical count and reconciliation of SPAQ in the selected locations
  • Data information on the assessment of Malaria Health Product stock and store conditions
  • Information on the assessment of compliance with the laid down policies and procedures
  • Geolocations of the survey sites.

Method of Application

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