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Expert Trainer in Web Design / Networking at Inspire Vocational Academies

Inspire Vocational AcademiesLagos, Nigeria Networking and Tech Support
Full Time
Inspire Vocational Academies has been established with a vision to transform lives of youngsters in Nigeria and the first center has been opened at Yaba, Lagos. Inspire Vocational Academies is promoted by an international corporate group headquartered in UK. Inspire with global standards for pedagogy and training will make the youngsters of Nigeria industry ready to pursue career opportunities in a wide range of sectors - Automotive, Textile, Hospitality, Electronics, Manufacturing, Mining, Oil & Gas, and Technology etc. Inspire centers are built with highly equipped labs to ensure the students receive practical and hands-on training that will equip them with skills to pursue gainful employment opportunities and enable to them face industry demands. The pedagogy is delivered by certified trainers with standardized teaching practices. Each trainer is guided by Inspire teaching modules and training kit to ensure every aspect of the course is imparted consistently to every enrolled student

Job Description

  • Responsible for providing quality instruction to students through well prepared classes, relevant assignments, fair and holistic assessment of learning, clear documentation of student progress, and support of the academic success for at-risk students.
  • Teach assigned courses
  • Adequately prepare all course materials and lessons. Note preparation time will vary based on instructor experience in teaching that course
  • Provide each student with clear course expectations, evaluations and timelines through carefully written topical outlines and approved, standardized syllabus
  • Provide Interesting and relevant assignments for students that demonstrate learning outcomes in a real-life setting
  • Suitably challenge, engage, serve and communicate with students to encourage their participation and learning while maintaining mutual value and respect
  • Complete grade books, final grade sheets, learning assessments and final exam assessments on a timely basis
  • Respond to student questions on a timely basis
  • Identify and refer at-risk students to specific academic support services
  • Ensure course and program learning outcomes are delivered as defined by the syllabus.
  • Act as a substitute as needed.


  • Candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree / HND qualification with at least 2 years work experience.

Method of Application

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