LA ROCHE EQUIPMENT NIGERIA LIMITED is incorporated in Nigeria and began its operation in 2004. It is a subsidiary of the internationally renowned "Societe La Roche Cotonou" which started its operation in 1979 and expanded its operation to Nigeria the largest economy in West Africa and one of the largest economies in Africa. LA ROCHE provides innovative solutions to many leading contracting companies in the region. Its product range fits a wide variety of projects, from low-cost housings to the most prestigious and technically-demanding towers and complex structures.
LA ROCHE EQUIPMENT NIGERIA LIMITED is incorporated in Nigeria and began its operation in 2004. It is a subsidiary of the internationally renowned "Societe La Roche Cotonou" which started its operation in 1979 and expanded its operation to Nigeria the largest economy in West Africa and o... read more
La Roche Equipment Nigeria Limited, based in Lagos, is incorporated in Nigeria and began its operation in 2004; And with the desire of expansion, it has ...
La Roche Equipment Nigeria Limited, based in Lagos, is incorporated in Nigeria and began its operation in 2004; And with the desire of expansion, it has ...
LA ROCHE EQUIPMENT NIGERIA LIMITED is incorporated in Nigeria and began its operation in 2004. It is a subsidiary of the internationally renowned "Societe ...
LA ROCHE EQUIPMENT NIGERIA LIMITED is incorporated in Nigeria and began its operation in 2004. It is a subsidiary of the internationally renowned "Societe ...