At Renmoney, we believe finance should be simple, useful and accessible to everyone. That’s what makes us really passionate about leveraging data driven ...
Stackivy is a financial hub that gives access to our suite of innovative financial solutions. With our platform, you can manage your finances on the go, access ...
Hope Payment Service Bank Limited (Hope PSBank) is Nigeria’s premier Digital-first Bank. Incorporated in September 2019, Hope PSBank leverages digital ...
A single stop for all your payments. Our dynamic eco-system offers you a variety of services to take care of your finances. This is a full-time on-site role ...
UK Neo-Banking Financial institution, providing Banking as a Service (BaaS)ABOUT THE ROLE: The HelloMe team is built of like-minded individuals on a mission to ...
Electronic Payplus Limited is a customer focused, smart card and payment solution service provider incorporated in 2004. The company commenced operations in ...
Established in 2007, Accion Microfinance Bank has a mission, "To economically empower micro-entrepreneurs and low-income earners by providing financial ...
Kuda is a full-service, app-based digital bank. Our mission is to be the go-to bank not just for those living on the African continent, but also for the ...
An institution that mobilizes capital from the public and private sectors to invest in projects, businesses and social enterprises with the intention to ...
Lendsqr is making sure that Nigerians assess loans at the time of their need by helping lenders reach these borrowers at scale. Our LaaS (lending-as-Service) ...
Eazzy Tranzact is a platform developed by compugeen Africa. Eazzy Tranzact is a marketplace for small businesses and individuals for financial solution. We ...
Norrenberger is a leading, independent financial services group that provides bespoke financial solutions that add value to our individual and institutional ...
UK Neo-Banking Financial institution, providing Banking as a Service (BaaS)ABOUT THE ROLE: The HelloMe team is built of like-minded individuals on a mission to ...
UK Neo-Banking Financial institution, providing Banking as a Service (BaaS)ABOUT THE ROLE: The HelloMe team is built of like-minded individuals on a mission to ...
Spending and Investing in Africa should not require endless paperwork & brain numbing bureaucracy. We created straitPay to invite financial prosperity in all ...
Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI), a public limited liability company, was established as a bank holding company in 1985 under a private sector ...